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Projeto Namaskar

Children and teenagers on the periphery of Ubatuba go to the Namaskar centre before or after their regular lessons. This space offers alternative classes related to culture, education and technology, with the aim of educating and redirecting the children towards healthier ways of self-fulfilment. More time spent in the streets creates a greater risk of coming into contact with and taking part in illicit activities such as drug-taking. Among the activities on offer are theatre, guitar lessons and computing. However, it seemed that the children who attended hardly ever go near the plastic arts, so Jefferson/Gefferon Guedes and Alfeu Montalvani conducted an art workshop with the children, each promoting their own artistic style (surfboard design and old school tattooing, respectively). 

Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, November, 2015
Photography: Irantzu Casajús
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